Magnum 4D

Magnum 4D Past Results and Winning Numbers
The result archive contains the results from 25-04-1985 7:00pm MYT up to the last ones. You only need to select the right date from the list.
Sunday, 16 February 2025 7:00pm | 1 Prize
8 8 4 4
2 Prize
7 4 1 4
3 Prize
8 3 7 6
Saturday, 15 February 2025 7:00pm | 1 Prize
3 6 9 2
2 Prize
4 6 2 6
3 Prize
9 2 9 9
Wednesday, 12 February 2025 7:00pm | 1 Prize
6 9 1 1
2 Prize
2 2 7 3
3 Prize
5 4 0 1
Tuesday, 11 February 2025 7:00pm | 1 Prize
1 3 8 2
2 Prize
3 6 3 6
3 Prize
8 8 2 0
Sunday, 9 February 2025 7:00pm | 1 Prize
1 7 3 0
2 Prize
0 6 5 9
3 Prize
9 9 9 5
Saturday, 8 February 2025 7:00pm | 1 Prize
1 7 9 1
2 Prize
9 4 0 1
3 Prize
0 9 2 5
Wednesday, 5 February 2025 7:00pm | 1 Prize
9 3 3 1
2 Prize
0 7 1 8
3 Prize
5 6 3 9
Tuesday, 4 February 2025 7:00pm | 1 Prize
2 6 8 2
2 Prize
1 1 3 8
3 Prize
4 0 4 6
Sunday, 2 February 2025 7:00pm | 1 Prize
6 1 5 4
2 Prize
8 9 4 8
3 Prize
9 8 1 4
Saturday, 1 February 2025 7:00pm | 1 Prize
2 6 4 7
2 Prize
2 5 7 8
3 Prize
1 5 2 8
Magnum 4D Review
Magnum Berhad, the holding company for the Magnum Berhad Group of Companies was incorporated in 1975 and proceeded to list at the main market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. This company is focused on the lottery business mainly the 4D number forecast and other betting games. In Malaysia, the company offers Magnum 4D which is a draw game consisting of 3 times a-week draws and on selected Tuesdays, there is a special draw.
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Overview of Magnum 4D
Magnum 4D carries the adventurous spirit of the players and leads them toward amazing discoveries. The Magnum 4D game is a 4-digit game that is easy to play, simple to understand, and a favorite in Malaysia. As intimated above, these game draws are held 3 times a week on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. In addition, there are special draws that are held on selected Tuesdays.
How to Play Magnum 4D
Playing this game is much like the other lottery games with only a few variations in the mode of play. The first step is to visit a Magnum 4D outlet where you can buy your ticket. You can play at any time, even on the draw day as long as it is before 7 p.m. At 7 p.m. and onwards, the purchase of tickets is temporarily stopped until the draw is held. Tickets bought afterward will be entered into the subsequent draw. The pre-conditions for playing Magnum 4D are that you should be 21 years of age and above and your participation should not be against your religious beliefs.
At the outlet, request a Magnum 4D playslip, which allows you to choose your winning numbers. There are four ways you can play Magnum 4D games: Straight, mBox, Permutation Play, and Roll Play.
This is as simple as it sounds. You pick any 4-digit number you feel puts you in the right position to win a prize. The numbers you choose could be important numbers to you or events in your life such as birthdays, anniversaries, and many others. Alternatively, you can consult the 4D dictionary for number inspiration. This facility is available on the official Magnum 4D website. The picking of numbers can be manual or through Lucky Pick. In the latter, you allow the computer terminal to generate the numbers for you. An example of a straight 4-digit number can be 5,3,2,1.
The second step is to choose whether to play small or big or both. During the draw, 23 winning numbers are drawn. When you play big, you become eligible to win across all 23 numbers. The 23 numbers consist of the first prize, second prize, third prize, 10 special prizes, and 10 consultation prizes.
When you play small, you are only considered for the first 3 prizes. This means your chances of winning are highly reduced. To compensate for the reduction in winning chances, small bets reward more than big bets. The minimum amount of bet is Rm 1 for both big and small bets.
Your playslip for both big and small bets consists of the 4D numbers you have chosen, the play type that is big and/or small, and the play amount. If for any particular number, you want to play through Lucky Pick, indicate LP on the playslip.
Before you leave the outlet, ensure you check your ticket for correctness. The ticket has the following features:
- The name of the game, in this case, Magnum 4D
- The draw number and draw date
- The numbers you have picked are both manually and through Lucky Pick. The type of play is marked against the numbers picked.
- The total amount paid for the ticket
- The serial number of the ticket
- The purchase date
mBox Play
This is the other mode of play where your 4D number is permutated. What this means is that your single number selection generates 24 combinations to exhaust the entire series of possible combinations. Assume that you played Straight by choosing 4,1,3,5. During the draw, 4,3,5,1 is instead chosen as the winning number. Technically, this means you cannot win a prize. It is for this reason that mBox was developed to avoid the frustration that comes with misarranged numbers. There are 4 classes of mBox combinations.
- mBox 24 – This gives you 24 combinations of your chosen numbers if all digits are unique such as 3,5,6,0.
- mBox 12 – This variation gives you 12 combinations if two of the digits in your chosen numbers are the same such as 3,6,6,0.
- mBox 6 – In this variation, you get 6 combinations and it happens when your number selection consists of two sets of similar numbers such as 8877.
- mBox 4 – This game variation gives you 4 combinations and it is applicable if 3 of the digits in your winning number are similar such as 3,3,3,9.
The whole essence of mBox play is to give you the maximum possible chances through number permutations that you do not miss out on a prize. However, because mBox play increases your chances of winning, the prize money is relatively reduced. The difference on your ticket between a Straight play and a mBox play is the M# sign appearing on the face of your ticket.
Roll Play
If you feel partly lucky, you are free under Roll Play to pick 3 digits instead of 4 and then roll one digit. What this does is that it generates a total of 10 different 4D numbers for every individual buy. This is an excellent way to boost your chances of winning. The minimum bet under Roll Play is Rm 10. For instance, a rolled front of R 1,7,4 gives you the following different numbers: 0174, 1174, 2174, 3174, 4174, 5174, 6174, 7174, 8174, and 9174.
Permutation Play
This gives you even greater chances of winning in Magnum 4D. It covers all permutations of the 4D number just like in mBox. The difference however lies in the fact that in mBox, you pay for the different combinations as if it was one play while in Permutations Play, you play for the combinations separately as if they were individual plays. For instance, if your 4D number has 1 unique digit and 1 digit appearing thrice, you will get 4 permutations and you pay Rm 4.
There is no limit on the much you can buy for any 4D number. The more you buy, the higher your chances of winning a prize when the draw is conducted. With Magnum 4D, you can buy tickets for subsequent future draws up to a maximum of 5 draws. Remember Magnum will not honor any tickets bought in any other places other than the authorized Magnum 4D outlets. There has been a rise in numerous scam cases where unsuspecting players buy forged tickets from individuals looking to take advantage of them. Such tickets cannot win and the identified dealers will be prosecuted.
Your tickets already have goods and services tax as well as gaming tax included in the price. Therefore, every Rm 1 per play is final. There is no limitation on who can buy a Magnum 4D ticket. Even if you are a foreigner, you are free to purchase as long as you visit a Magnum 4D outlet and buy from there.