Don’t fall for Email Lottery Scams

Email Lottery Scams

There are various types of email lottery scams. The lottery mail scams are seen everyday and sadly, many of us fall for it. The most common type is the email that we receive in our personal email accounts telling us that we have won a certain amount of money.

This is an impossible occurrence since there were no lottery tickets purchased. So how did you win this large amount of money? The email explains that some special number from your account or phone number made you the lucky winner.

This obviously is an email lottery scam. They will ask you to pay a certain amount of fee that is necessary for delivery of the lottery jackpot to you. Real lottery companies deduct taxes while you purchase the lottery ticket and never ask for such fees.

Another type of email lottery scams is when a fake web page is created and the recipient is told that he or she has won the prize. He or she is then told to contact an agent, but the real identity is hidden and there are extra prizes that are also offered.

A time limit is set within which the person must contact or lose it all. Then certain terms and conditions are offered where a huge amount of money is asked to be spent before the prize is delivered to the victim. This type of lottery mail scams is illegal in various jurisdictions.

These emails are sent to unsuspecting victims who do not realize that lottery jackpots cannot be won without purchasing a lottery ticket. Always check for validity when purchasing and never fall for these email lottery scams that only look to suck your money away from you. Be aware, while checking your emails, the next time, for lottery mail scams.

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