Bad People Who Won The Lottery – Maybe the Lady Luck Is Like A Coin

Bad People Who Won The Lottery

Where She Favors The Good And The Bad

Now I’m convinced that the Lady Luck is indeed two-faced because instead of giving good people the chance of winning the lottery, she has given bad people, like real bad people, the chance to win the lottery. Why? I still have to figure out, but what I do know is that it’s not fair. How many people do you know who’re just dying to win the jackpot? I know a lot of people and some have turned old, but still they’ve not won the jackpot, but the most undeserving people on the planet, well they get to win the lottery. How cool is that? I know, it’s quite frustrating. So let’s check out some of the most disgusting people on the planet:

The Sexual Pervert – Timothy Dale Poole

Timothy Dale Poole

This disgusting person was even sent to jail in 2002 and served 13 months for sexually assaulting a nine year old boy. But despite his deed, he won $3 million after purchasing a scratch card near his home in Orlando, Florida. He even had the balls to pose with his cheque. He chose to take home a lump sum of a whopping $2,219,807.90 ($1.3 million). Standing 6ft tall, this 450lb pervert is listed as a “sexual predator” on the state registry in Florida. Despite everything he always maintained that he wasn’t guilty and that he was being framed. When people found out that he won the lottery, the only thing they said was, “that’s pretty crappy if you ask me.” It’s true too, don’t you think? With the money, Poole planned to invest some in his mum’s taxi business. Whether he did so or not, I have no idea and honestly speaking, he’s too disgusting to find out.

Another Sexual Pervert – Daniel Snay

Daniel Snay

This a*hole, excuse me, is really very disgusting. And disturbing. He won the Massachusetts Lottery for a whopping $10 million in 2008 and then instead of doing something good, he used those funds to abuse more boys. Now you see why I call him an a*hole? He sexually abused a boy for several years and his main passion is to abuse boys aged between 8 and 14. After winning the lottery the pervert used the money to gain people’s favor and groom his potential victims. Since the 1970s, Snay has been convicted of indecent behavior six times and was then classified as Level 3 on the Massachusetts sex offender registry, which means that there are high chances that this offender can commit similar crimes in the future. And he won the lottery.

Monster Mother – Rebecca Shuttleworth

Rebecca Shuttleworth

This monster of a mother, together with her lesbian partner, won the lottery for £10,000 just months after beating her two year old son to death. When she received the money she looked overjoyed, forgetting the horrible thing she did just eight months after the death of her 2 year old son. How the heck can you be so happy when your child died because you were too busy having the time of your life with your lesbian partner? She subjected her son Keanu Williams to months of horrific cruelty, beat him to death and was then ordered to serve 18 years in prison. When she received the cheque, she was seen hugging and kissing her partner. And she will be using the money on home improvement and a holiday (to hell, I hope). When people heard about her winning the lottery, they said, “It turned people’s stomachs to see her so happy after the terrible things she’d done. She was whooping and celebrating without a scrap of guilt. She deserves to rot in hell.”

Why Bad People Win the Lottery

Honestly, I have no idea. I wish I knew why, but I don’t. Sometimes it makes me think that the Lady Luck is trying to maintain a balance between good people and bad people. But what do you know, bad people who won the lottery never used the funds to be better people, they can’t. Old people have a saying and it goes like, “a dog’s tail can never be straightened”, and how true that is? These people who don’t deserve a place on earth actually won the lottery to make others suffer.

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