A Lifetime of Lottery Is Worth than a Lifetime of a Boring 9-5 Regular Job

Lifetime lottery

The Confessions of a Lottery Player…

There was a time in my life where nothing made sense, not even a regular 9-5 job. It seemed like I was missing a big portion of my life, I knew something was missing and I had to find out what that “something” was so I could be at peace. After completing my studies I thought maybe getting regular job would be that “something” I missed in my life. Everyone thought that a job is what I need, but as soon as I started one I felt like a collared dog. It didn’t feel good, it didn’t give any peace, it didn’t make my life any easier – in fact I started getting stressed, I lost control over my social life. What the heck did I miss?

A Lifetime Lottery Dream

Most of my friends are jobless, not by fate, but by choice and how do they do it? A lifetime of lottery – that’s exactly what they’ve decided and they were doing good, really good. Their motto was, “Lifetime Lottery”. So how does it work? Would your people approve of it? Can it beat the regular 9-5 job? All sorts of questions popped in my mind. Lifetime lottery – the phrase kept repeating in my mind and somehow I knew I was going to have a tough time explaining it to my fellows.

The problem with a regular 9-5 job is that you become a pet, the organization’s pet, the manager’s pet, the customer’s pet, everyone’s pet. That’s just what I think and I might be wrong, maybe you have better 9-5 jobs and you enjoy it. I am not advocating against regular jobs, remember, this is a confession! The thought of a lifetime lottery, thus seemed profitable. I’ll be no one’s pet, I thought. But things are never too easy are they?! When I told my fellows about lifetime lottery, they freaked out!

Lifetime Lottery Reactions

“Are you serious?” is the first question I came across. Yes, I was serious – I felt confident, I felt happy and I love playing the lottery so a lifetime of lottery wasn’t a bad idea at all. The news about me pursuing lifetime lottery spread like wildfire; my relatives started calling like it was a big deal – it was for me! The only thing I wanted was to be able to make some serious money without being treated like a professional slave. So I decided that I would take up a part-time job and continue playing lottery lifetime.

My Life Today With the Lifetime Lottery Motto

Playing the lottery isn’t as simple as you think it is – you actually have to bet real money to get a chance to win a fortune. Thankfully I had saved a lot of money from my previous employment and things were looking pretty sunny in my life. I felt free, stress-free, independent and happy. I know it’s difficult to leave a regular job to play lottery lifetime, it’s the toughest challenge I had to face. But things aren’t so bad now – I have enough time to spend with my family, earn money by working part-time and still play the lottery – lifetime. This is how it’s going to be!

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