Four Tips for Training Yourself to Think Like a Lottery Winner

4 Tips for Training Yourself to Think Like a Lottery Winner

Winning the lottery, hitting the jackpot, being able to live every dream you’ve ever imagined – these are scenarios which most of us dream about at some stage of our lives. Some of us entertain it as a passing thought, throwing it to the back of our heads and putting it on the ‘yeah, that would be nice, but it’s unlikely to happen’ pile, and some of us are a little more determined to succeed.

Whichever camp you fall into, there’s no denying that you have to be in it, to be in with a chance of winning it, and there are strategies you can adopt to increase your chances, such as actually remembering to put the lottery on in the first place, being part of a syndicate, or having a number rotation system that you believe in.

If you’re serious about your lottery winning future then you need to train yourself to think like a lottery winner, and that includes in the attempt at actually winning it, and afterwards too.

How? Read on.

Find Your Strategy and Stick To It under All Circumstances. Changing Your Mind Could Lead To Lottery Disaster

If you have one set of numbers that you regularly put on, and one week you decide you’re going to throw all caution to the wind, be a little bit of a rebel maybe, and put on a different set, you’re going to feel more than a bit sick if your other set of numbers comes up.

A lottery winner has a strategy in general, not all of the time granted, but most of the time. Don’t swap and change things, don’t fix what’s not broken, think of a strategy that feels good to you and go with it until your numbers come up. Believe they will, and who knows, maybe they actually will!

Adopt a ‘What Will Be, Will Be’ Attitude. Nobody Likes a Show-Off

The best kind of lottery winner is the one who didn’t expect it; you know the kind, the one who was plucked from obscurity to have money fall on them from the sky. If you get too serious about it, become too obsessed with your upcoming win (fingers crossed) then when you do hit the jackpot you’re not going to find yourself with too many genuine friends at the end of it. Keep your thoughts even and you never know your luck.

Be Humble. Karma Really Is a Bitch Otherwise

So, you’re officially a lottery winner, your dream came true, you’re buying houses left, right, and centre, and jetting off to Barbados simply because you fancied a break. A real lottery winner retains a sense of humility, remembering that what has happened to them is a lucky occurrence, not a right, not something which they deserved due to hard work and perseverance.

Remember those around you before your win, but do be careful who you trust. A lottery winner will learn pretty quickly that not everyone who smiles at you is your friend, and that dodgy folk will come out of the woodwork as soon as they get wind of your cash flow boost. Figure out who is real, remember those close to you, and treat them as such. If you go getting a big head, who knows, karma might decide to bite you on the backside and take your luck away from you.

Remember a Sense of Balance. Money Might Be in Your Pocket Right Now, But It Will Run Out Eventually

A lottery winner understands that their current affluent situation might not last forever, and they’re always looking to invest and make the future just as comfortable. Remember your sense of balance; sure, have a splurge, treat your family, why not, but do remember that your money isn’t going to last forever unless you make some wise decisions, take advice from those you trust (and make sure it is someone you trust and not one of those dodgy people we were talking about earlier), and balance fun times with sensible times.

You might think it’s a ridiculous notion to ‘train’ yourself to think like a lottery winner, but it’s more about attitude than anything else. Money can turn people into monsters, and unless you want to be one of those headlines on the newspapers that nobody wants to read about, it’s important to think like a ‘good’ lottery winner, one who understands that they have been given a gift, a big slice of luck, and not going around thinking they own the place because they were lucky enough to pick a few right numbers.

A lottery winner of the best kind is humble, grounded, and mature.

Think this way and you’re on the fast track forward.

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