Humankind (and Lotto Winners in Particular) Shows Its Good Sign during COVID-19 Pandemic

Bad events, especially when they affect millions, bring out either the best or the worst in people. COVID-19 has been one such disaster, and so far, it has contributed to numerous acts of kindness.
Now that you know what corona is and how it acts, it’s time to check in on how wealthier people are doing during the pandemic. And while some celebrities have managed to make complete fools of themselves, other people have shown the world what it takes to be a decent human being.
Lottery Winners Helping Fight COVID-19 and Its Consequences
The coronavirus has completely changed the way we live, the way we work, and the way we shop.
Over one million people have gotten ill already, and currently, several countries lead the way as far as coronavirus hotspots are concerned. Corona USA is a massive menace, and the virus has also destroyed lives in Italy, Spain, and the rest of Europe.
The UK hasn’t been spared with several high-rank officials reporting their COVID-19 positive status.
Luckily, we have moved beyond the definition of the corona, and people are not starting to take measures aimed at helping others who may be under quarantine, who may have lost their jobs or who could have become food-deprived as a part of social distancing.
Two lottery winners from England, in particular, are worth praising.
Susan Herdman became troubled by news of people fighting in front of supermarkets and stockpiling food to prepare for self or socially-imposed quarantine. The 51-year-old lottery winner who grabbed 1.2 million pounds back in 2010 hand-picked potatoes before distributing the dietary staple to people in need throughout North Yorkshire.
Susan has been very modest about her act of kindness, saying that these are just potatoes and not something revolutionary.
“I don’t understand selfish people; I’ve been a giver all my life,” Susan said in an interview with BBC. “Hopefully, it proves that farmers aren’t that tight,” she concluded.
Susan hasn’t been alone in her coronavirus goodness. Susan Crossland from West Yorkshire (yep, that’s another fantastic Susan) took up knitting to create comforting items for patients in treatment.
Susan Crossland changed her life in 2008 when she won the national lottery and became over a million pounds richer. This was also the time when she took up knitting as a way to calm herself.
While on lockdown, Susan has been heavily involved in knitting items for COVID-19 patients. Not only that, but she’s also prompting others to get involved. People are currently stuck home with nothing to do, and her initiative gives them a chance to learn a new skill and do something amazing for others. So, what exactly are you waiting for?
Coronavirus Hits the Lottery, Just Like It Hits Everyday Life
These two heartwarming stories from England give us hope at a time of crisis, a time when our lives are going through drastic changes.
The lottery itself is seeing some serious change as a result of the COVID-19 control measures that governments from across the world have imposed.
Some international lotteries from various parts of the world have discontinued their drawings until it becomes entirely safe for multiple people to share the same closed space.
Studies from the US have also shown that jackpots have suffered as a result of fewer people going out to buy lottery tickets.
The group overseeing the drawings and the prize distribution of Powerball in the US, for example, announced that the minimum guaranteed jackpot for one of the world’s most popular games would be cut in half while the coronavirus pandemic is going on.
This means that those who qualify for the jackpot will now be entitled to a minimum of 20 million dollars instead of the usual 40 million.
Lottery officials have also warned that jackpots that haven’t been won during a drawing are likely to increase at a slow pace. When a jackpot isn’t claimed, that sum rolls over towards the next drawing, and it’s’s combined with the proceeds from ticket sales. Since fewer people are now buying lottery tickets, the growth of jackpots isn’t going to be as spectacular as it used to be in the past.
The decision that Powerball executives made is not going to affect the current 160-million-dollar jackpot. Once that sum is won, however, the new minimum jackpot rules will be introduced.
Mega Millions in the US haven’t announced such measures yet. When Time magazine approached Mega Millions officials, however, reporters were told that a jackpot cut similar to the Powerball one was very likely shortly.
The executives at Mega Millions are currently discussing the situation and the ways to address the slowdown in ticket sales that has affected the second most popular game in the US.
All other rules remain unchanged. Tickets will still cost two dollars for the prominent US games, and the game playing methodology will remain unaffected. This means that the odds aren’t going to get any better, even though players will not be attempting to win a smaller sum than before.
These aren’t the only changes that lotto enthusiasts will face.
Winners in various parts of the world have complained about being incapable of cashing out their prizes. Numerous prize claim centers and offices all over the globe have closed down to reduce the risk of their employees getting infected.
We’ll have to wait and see how quickly the coronavirus situation is going to get resolved and when we will return to standard lottery practices that benefit all.