Quini 6

- Site URL:loteriasantafe.gov.ar
- Days Played:Wednesday and Sunday
Quini 6 Review
When players participate in Quini 6 draw game, their bets will be processed through a computer system which is supervised by the state and whose results will be fair to each participant and no one can appeal against them.
Playing Quini 6
The betting coupon or playslip of Quini 6 contains a universe of numbers from which the bettor will choose the numbers to be entered for in the draw as indicated by the regulations. As the player, you will mark each of the numbers with crosses only in the places determined for that purpose. The numbers selected will form the only means through which your wager is identified.
When selecting the numbers at the gambling terminals, you can either verbally indicate or mark the respective numbers you have chosen on the playslip. The numbers will be entered into the terminal using the keyboard after which a ticket is issued. As always, the ticket is the only proof of your participation in the game.
The manual marking of the playslip is to be done in duplicate at the same time. This means they will consist of two parts mainly duplicate and original. The tickets issued will contain the unique ticket identification number, the permit number, the contest number, the date of the contest, the bet made, an indication of whether or not to bet Quini 6 Revancha and an indication of whether or not to bet Quini 6 Always Goes Out.
The tickets must in addition have a bar code, date, and time of realization of the bet and in case of a combined bet, there should be a part number. Your identity document in terms of type and number will not be required unless you make a personal request to have it included.
The duplicate of the manual marking coupon is usually handed over to the better and subject to the provisions of Articles 7, 8 and 10 of these regulations, the coupon will be the evidence of your participation in Quini 6. The original coupon is usually sent to the Social Assistance Fund for processing. Before the drawing of the Quini 6 contest, the original coupons are first subjected to an electronic process of registration which is a critical part of the processing.
If you play through online, the issuance of the ticket is a direct implication that your bet has been accepted into the system. For offline terminals, the participation of the bet in the contest is entered into the central system through the transmission of data.
Quini 6 Betting
Each bet comprises 6 numbers from the universe of 46 numbers starting from 00 to 45. There are simple and multiple bets. The multiple bets also known as combined bets are those that exceed 6 numbers per play. To participate in multiple bets, you follow the same process as that of a simple bet where your choices are entered through the gaming terminals installed at the points of sale. The minimum for a multiple bet is a 8 number selection and the maximum is 15.
Quini 6 being a famous game there could be some fraudulent dealers who sell tickets not authorized by the Social Assistance Fund. For this reason, the Social Assistance Fund absolves itself from any liability arising from the acceptance by any gambler of vouchers unauthorized by it.
Through whichever convenient means, the Social Assistance Fund together with the adherent entities will inform you as the player the amounts of bets placed, the size of the prize pool, the full list of winning bets, and their respective prizes.
In case of any contest arising from a defect or irregularity of the ticket, the licensee or the Social Assistance Fund will cancel the ticket and make a refund of the amount paid. However, if the acquisition is done through game terminals, the tickets cannot be cancelled.
Quini 6 Prize Breakdown
The regulations governing Quini 6 allow for the usage of own equipment or any other official lottery drawing equipment. If you win a prize, you can lodge your claim starting from the 5th business day after the drawing date. Claiming of the prize can be made from the local Social Welfare Fund or where the bet was sold depending on the amount of the prize.
During the claiming of prizes, payment can only be made upon presentation of the winning tickets. The tickets must not be defaced and will have to undergo verification by the Social Assistance Fund. In the event of loss of the winning ticket, the only way you can be able to claim a prize is if you had your identity document number typed in the original ticket.
On the 15th day following the drawing date, the Quini 6 contest expires. Where the 15th day falls on a holiday, the expiry is pushed to the next business day. If the period of claiming the prize expires and there is no indicated presentation of the claim by the participant, the prize to be issued will be extinguished.
The first prize will be assigned 70% of the total prize pool, the second prize 10%, and the third prize is 3%. 16.3% is put in the reserve fund for special Quini 6 prizes while 0.7% is set aside for Agent Stimulus prize.
In case there is no registered winner of the first prize, the amount that could have been paid out is rolled over to the next contest. On the other hand, if there is no winner for second prize, the amount that could have been paid out will go towards increasing the first prize in the subsequent contest.
Where you participate in the Quini 6 Revancha, you will pick the traditional Quini 6 numbers which are 6 and upon payment of an additional value, you will be entered in this additional game. 80% of the collections goes towards Quini 6 Revancha prize. Again, where there is no winner in Revancha, the prize will be rolled over to the next contest.