What is the probability to win a lottery more than once?

Win a lottery

This is one question that lottery players occasionally ask themselves and their peers, especially after not winning a significant prize for many years in a row. By definition, lottery games are based exclusively on chance and the odds of winning the jackpot are remote, although the terrible odds are offset by the potentially huge gains. Many lottery players would be thrilled with the idea of winning just once, but others aim higher and wonder what’s the chance to win the lottery twice or even more.

Calculate the chance independently

There are some who try to convince players that they can enhance their chances to win a lottery, by following intricate strategies and systems. Conveniently enough, they are also the ones selling them, but this is nothing more than a rudimentary advertising technique. The fact that it works only proves the fact that some people have more money than common sense and are willing to go to great lengths for a chance of winning the jackpot. Most of them can be dismissed as scam artists and treated accordingly, so there is no point in believing their allegations and wasting your money on such systems.

Contrary to what these people try to convince lottery players, the odds to win the lottery need to be calculated independently. There is no connection between one draw and the other and regardless of what happened in the previous draw, the odds of winning the next are the same. The best one can do is to check out the official website and see which the chances are to win the jackpot or a second tier prize. They will stay the same regardless of what numbers you select and how lucky or unfortunate you were in the past.

Multiply the probabilities for the correct number

Those who are adamant in their quest to find an answer for how likely it is to win a lottery more than once should help themselves to a calculator. The reason to do so is that not even the sharpest minds can calculate these odds without using such a tool or at least a pen and paper. Take the Mega Millions Lottery for example and you will find out that the chances to win the jackpot are one in 175 million.

This is the chance to win one time so if you are wondering which are the odds of winning two draws in a row, all you need to do is to multiply the two probabilities. This is easier said than done and more important there is no upside in doing so because the resulting number will be one impossible to comprehend by regular people. What’s most important is that it bears no significance whatsoever and it could just as well be the reduced to zero.

Check out the Lottery statistics: what are the most drawn lottery numbers? as well.

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