Unusual Lottery Strategies That Just Might Land You a Heck of a Payday

Unusual lottery strategies If you’ve ever googled different lottery strategies - as I have - you’ve probably seen some pretty interesting and unusual suggestions for the best way to up your chances at winning a hefty jackpot. There are literally thousands of suggestions out there telling us what we can do to overcome the neverending jackpot drought. Increasing our odds of winning the lottery is next to impossible, but there are many people out there that will claim to have extensive advice on what we can do to greatly increase our chances. Some places even ‘guarantee’ that we’ll win or our money back. Now that one is pretty funny to me. If you were guaranteeing that I could win the lottery why in the world would you be selling me something to tell me how to do it instead of just winning yourself?? All things considered the lottery is a game of chance and there will always be heavy odds against jackpot players. Lottery strategies to increase our chances do little more than provide us with positive vibes about the possibility of winning it big. Maybe, just maybe, we can even carry the positive mojo created from some of these unusual lottery strategies into a big win:

Unusual Lottery Strategies Used to Double Up Winnings

Harry Black, a man from British Columbia, cashed in with one of the more unusual lottery strategies that you’ll ever see. Black has honed in on a single lottery strategy for the past 30 years and it paid off in a big way in May of 2013 when he landed over $30 million in jackpot prizes. The strategy? Black picks the same exact numbers on every single ticket and then doubles up on the tickets, meaning he has two of the same tickets for every jackpot drawing he plays in. Sounds a bit wacky right? Maybe, but Black’s strategy panned out when a jackpot worth over $60 million had four winning tickets. Black ended up with two checks totaling over $30 million, while the other two ticket winners cashed in with checks around $15 million a piece. Had Black not used the strategy he would’ve only ended up with a $21 million check. Not that anyone would complain about picking up a $21 million check, but the extra $10 million gained by using the unusual lottery strategy was certainly well worth it.

What’s Luck Got to Do, Got to Do With It?

Richard Lustig, a seven time lottery winner, says that luck actually has nothing to do with winning the lottery. With a statement like that it may seem as if Mr. Lustig has been using much of his lottery winnings on recreational activities that have slightly affected his rational thinking ability. Anyhow, you can’t really argue too much with a guy that’s cashed in on seven different major jackpots. His way of playing involves using the universal law of probabilities to up your chances of winning. While there isn’t much information on his exact strategies, he does say that playing consistently and avoiding obvious patterns are two lottery strategies that he has stuck to throughout his clearly impressive lotto career.

I’m Dreaming of Winning the Lottery

One of the oddest lottery strategies that I’ve heard about involves lucid dreaming. If you’re not aware of what lucid dreaming is it basically means a dream in which you are aware that you’re dreaming while the dream is going on. Some people believe that during this state we may have the opportunity to create a situation in which we can envision and see what the winning lottery numbers will be. The problem here is that we first have to be in the act of lucid dreaming while also having to be able to create a situation where the lottery numbers appear. If this strategy seems like your style you may want to look into different ways to create a lucid dream for yourself. As we mentioned before the lottery has been, and will always be, a game of chance. Increasing your odds by using different strategies does little more than create a paradigm shift in our minds about the possibility of us winning. But hey, maybe that’s a lottery strategy within itself - imagining that we’ve got a great chance to win due to the lottery strategies that we’ve used. The law of attraction has been dubbed a great way to draw positive things towards our life, why not use it to win the lottery as well.

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